Despite the devastating toll of COVID-19, heart disease remains the No. 1 cause of death in the U.S and worldwide.
On July 1, 2018, Sigrid Stebe finally went to the hospital. She found out that she had a heart attack — and what a surprise.
“I had no idea what the symptoms were. I had no idea that I was a candidate for a heart attack. I had no idea at all. To say it was a shock was the least of it. I had gone bike riding for a 21-mile bike ride out in the middle of nowhere. I had gone water skiing which I hadn’t done for years. I did all of those things and felt pretty crappy after each one of these events. I thought I was just tired and old. When I got the final signal of the shooting pain down the arm, which actually feels like a lightning bolt. In case you’re curious if you get the lightning bolt it’s time to go in. But I am an overachiever and I tried to get all the symptoms first, it’s my job,” said Stebe.
Now, she’s overachieving when it comes to raising awareness about heart disease, and is doing so on behalf of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Movement.
You are being urged to get you involved in National Wear Red Day by having you GO RED on Friday.
Why? While nearly 80 percent of cardiac events can be prevented through modest changes to diet and lifestyle, heart disease continues to be the No. 1 killer of women.
Cardiovascular disease does not target any specific age group; nearly 45% of women age 20 and older are living with some form of heart disease. Sigrid says none of this is OK.
“One in 3 women die from heart disease. That is just an astounding number. If you line up six women in a room and two would be gone in a year, who do you pick? Who do you pick? No one wants to pick,” said Stebe.
Remember, that Friday, Feb. 5 you can help raise awareness and inspire action to save women’s lives by wearing red.
Be sure to share your support on social media and use the hashtag #WearRedDay and #GoRedForWomen.
The Link LonkFebruary 05, 2021 at 03:22AM
#GoRedForWomen and wear red on Friday! - KX NEWS
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