CLARKSBURG, W.Va (WDTV)- The West Virginia Department of Education released a new color map for the week of Dec. 5.
Green: Braxton, Gilmer, Greenbrier, Lewis, Mercer, Pendleton, Randolph, Summers, Tucker, Webster
Green Counties: Extracurricular practices and competitions may occur. Health and safety precautions include, at a minimum, face coverings in grades 3 and above on school buses and when inside of school facilities.
Yellow: Lincoln, Logan, Marion, McDowell, Monongalia, Monroe, Raleigh, Taylor
Yellow Counties: Continue with in-person instruction. Extracurricular practices and competitions may occur. Health and safety precautions include, at a minimum, face coverings at all times for grades 3 and above.
Gold: Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Fayette, Harrison, Jackson, Kanawha, Mingo, Pleasants, Roane
Gold Counties: In-person instruction permitted with increased mitigations including face coverings for children grades 3 and above at all times. Extracurricular activities are permitted in-county (with schools from the same county) and with other gold counties.
Orange: Boone, Brooke, Cabell, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Morgan, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Preston, Putnam, Ritchie, Tyler, Upshur, Wetzel
Orange Counties: Remote learning required. Extracurricular activities are limited to conditioning only and sport-specific practicing is not permitted. Marching band is limited to outdoors only. Staff may report to their schools, as determined by the county. Essential support services, including special education and meals, will continue.
Red: Barbour, Berkeley, Grant, Hancock, Marshall, Mason, Mineral, Ohio, Wayne, Wirt, Wood, Wyoming
Red Counties: Must move to remote learning. No extracurricular competitions or practices are permitted. Staff may report to their schools, as determined by the county. Essential support services, including special education and meals, will continue.
For information about the data that guides the color-coded map or the Data Review Panel, please contact the DHHR at DHHRCommunications@wv.gov.
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The Link LonkDecember 06, 2020 at 10:33AM
WVDE Map: 12 counties in Red - WDTV
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